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Pirastro Passione E String


The Pirastro Passione E String (available in light, medium, and heavy gauges with a ball or loop end) delivers a powerful, brilliant sound with modern tuning stability. Ideal for violinists seeking fast response and gut-like tonal depth.

Available Sizes: 4/4
String Selection: E String


The Pirastro Passione E String offers violinists a powerful, resonant sound with the precision and reliability of modern string technology. Made from silvery steel, this string provides excellent projection and brilliance, while still complementing the warm, full-bodied tone of the gut-core A, D, and G strings in the Passione set. Available in three gauges—light (weich), medium, and heavy (stark)—the Passione E String is perfect for players seeking dynamic control and tonal flexibility. The string’s quick response across all dynamics ensures easy playability, even in demanding performance settings.

What sets the Passione E String apart is its significantly reduced break-in time, allowing musicians to start playing with minimal delay compared to traditional gut strings. With its superior tuning stability, this string offers the richness of gut without the usual tuning challenges. The Passione E String is available with both ball and loop ends, making it adaptable to various tailpiece setups.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 oz

Heavy, Medium, Weich (Light)

E End

Ball End, Loop End


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