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Warchal Karneol A String


The Warchal Karneol A String combines a synthetic core with hydronalium winding, delivering a warm, velvety tone and smooth, balanced playability. Ideal for enhancing richness and ease of response on violins needing a gentler touch, this string settles quickly for reliable tuning stability.

Available Sizes: 4/4
String Selection: A String


The Warchal Karneol A String is crafted with a synthetic core wrapped in hydronalium, providing a velvety, warm tone that enhances the richness of your instrument’s sound. Designed for easy playability and consistent performance, this A string delivers a well-balanced response and quick tuning stability, making it a reliable choice for violinists seeking both warmth and clarity. Perfectly suited for players with instruments that benefit from a smoother, textured sound, the Karneol A String is an excellent addition for shaping expressive tonal qualities.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 oz
E End

Ball End, Loop End


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